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Mercier Financial Services

A sound financial plan starts with cash planning. It is the foundation of your financial life, both your spending and debt management.

You can absolutely live the lifestyle you want AND have a plan for the future that will change over time as your priorities change.

Financial Services For Families And Businesses

Angela Mercier, BA, CDFA, Q.Med.


Cash & Financial Planning

Create a financial plan that allows you to live with purpose.

Financial planning is an ongoing process for making sensible decisions about money to help you achieve your goals in life. Your goals may include:

  • starting a business
  • saving for travel
  • creating a bucket list
  • saving for retirement
  • selling your business
  • moving pensions to Canada
  • living in retirement
  • transferring wealth

A sound financial plan starts with cash planning. It is the foundation of your financial life, both your spending and debt management.

You can absolutely live the lifestyle you want AND have a plan for the future that will change over time as your priorities change.

Tips on making ends meet in a world where ‘everything is costing more’

As the cost of living continues to rise, a Halifax-area financial advisor is offering up tips to help families cut back on extra costs.

Angela Mercier, the owner of Mercier Mediation & Financial Services, said she’s seeing an increase in people seeking her services.

“I have clients that are coming to me that work with the banks, work with other financial advisors, and they’re just asking for a second opinion and what they’re looking for is, ‘How do we make our dollar go farther?’” she said.

Life Insurance

Choose the right insurance coverage for you and your family.

Let’s be honest, most Canadians dislike paying for any kind of insurance. Whether it be auto or home, we still hate it until there is a claim… then we are thankful we have it.


Personal insurance is complicated. There are so many types of coverage. The options and differences between the various plans – referred to as policies – add to the discomfort Canadians feel when trying to find the right solution.

If you are between the ages of 18-60 and are looking for affordable No Medical & Simplified Issue Life Insurance, simply apply online.

“Facing a decision we’d been avoiding wasn’t fun, but Angela made it fast and painless… and delivered before our deadline, as promised.”

Kelly and Linda Daley

“Angela showed me exactly where my money was going and I was shocked. Without her, I would be lost – and probably in more debt!”

Tanya Dalton, BAA CHYS

Not your everyday run-of-the-mill financial planner…

Angela Mercier is also a Qualified Mediator (Q.Med) and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst. She has extensive experience with cash management, retirement, annuities, wealth transfer, investments, legacy, insurance, overseas pension transfers, estate planning, and group benefits. As your Financial Advisor, Angela handles PIPEDA and CASL regulations. Privacy-Statement-Angela-M.Mercier

Angela knows each person is different and that there’s no cookie-cutter solution. She will focus on your priorities and guide you to the end result you want.


Top 5 Differences Between Tax-free Savings Accounts (TFSA) and Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP)

The intent of an RRSP is for your retirement. TFSAs were designed for any type of financial goal such as travel, buying house, emergency savings, and so on. You need to earn income to contribute to an RRSP but not with a TFSA. When you contribute to an RRSP, those contributions are tax deductible against… Read More…

Canadian Business Owners and Retirement: Consider an Individual Pension Plan

In February 2018 the Federal government introduced new rules surrounding the Small Business Deductions (SBD) and how it treats passive income over $50,000. This change caused great concern for many small business owners across Canada, especially those who have always planned to use that income for retirement. One possible solution is what’s called an Individual… Read More…

Your Year End Investment Statement Shows A Negative Return…

Most Canadians will have received their December 31st investment statement in the mail and noticed that their investments have not had a great run in 2018. If that’s you, what do you do next? First, do not panic. Instead, ask yourself these 3 questions: When was the last time you met with your advisor and… Read More…

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Exactly Why to Select MercierFinancialServices.ca? Around MercierFinancialServices.ca we do take being a financial planning service incredibly seriously. We all know that any time individuals are browsing to obtain a wonderful life insurance agent in Dartmouth that cares people need the top. That's why we truly struggle to be really the finest financial planning service we can possibly be in Nova Scotia. It really is our determination to absolutely becoming the standout that has gained all of us truly good admiration with our customers. Being a wonderful life insurance agent in Dartmouth that cares we in addition continually aim to commit to listen to every customers inquiries with extreme diligence and without impatience. We without fail spend the time. We all insist it's very vital to be certain that customers feel really appreciated and even taken care of. Now there usually are not numerous financial planning service that have the exact knowledge combined with background to identify theirselves as a innovator within their sector. Merge this together with our superior level of consumer assistance and we feel we're absolutely the perfect wonderful life insurance agent in Dartmouth that cares in Nova Scotia. Looking to begin? Everything gets going with a telephone call. Call 902-830-7511. We'll be delighted to discuss your financial planning service needs thoroughly over the telephone or through e mail if this works better for you. Beyond that we shall suggest the solution which best fulfils your situations circumstances. Discover why people now call us the perfect wonderful life insurance agent in Dartmouth that cares! Even Now Want Convincing? Other Reasons Why MercierFinancialServices.ca is truly A Wonderful Life Insurance Agent In Dartmouth That Cares Dedication to Excellence - A Wonderful Life Insurance Agent In Dartmouth That Cares and A Wonderful Life Insurance Agent In Dartmouth That Cares Our loyalty to high-quality is actually quite excessive. If you are endeavoring to be a wonderful life insurance agent in Dartmouth that cares or a wonderful life insurance agent in Dartmouth that cares, there is really not one other route but to really give it your level best to excel. Whenever any particular purchaser needs further attention, we all offer that valued buyer further time. Almost anything to be confident they are very happy with us all as a financial planning service. Understand, we do service all of Nova Scotia, and so make sure you call. Determination - A Wonderful Life Insurance Agent In Dartmouth That Cares and A Wonderful Life Insurance Agent In Dartmouth That Cares Our own purchasers have indeed identified our services as a wonderful life insurance agent in Dartmouth that cares, a wonderful life insurance agent in Dartmouth that cares, a wonderful life insurance agent in Dartmouth that cares and the perfect Nova Scotia based financial planning service there is! Honestly this doesn't materialise if you're lacking extremely diligent toil along with investment in the businesses customers together with the excellent quality bestowed within your finished product. If you will be looking around to obtain a wonderful life insurance agent in Dartmouth that cares, all of us certainly contend that we are honestly the preferred option. Simply phone MercierFinancialServices.ca to speak about the needs you have ASAP! 902-830-7511. Knowledge - A Wonderful Life Insurance Agent In Dartmouth That Cares and A Wonderful Life Insurance Agent In Dartmouth That Cares For most any niche, skill is definitely a big aspect relating to success. Whenever you might be wanting a wonderful life insurance agent in Dartmouth that cares, well this will be far more legitimate. With being a financial planning service, we can easily show you decisively how the final end result is certainly measured by the know-how of the firm that you have been employing. The enormously large degree of past experience which MercierFinancialServices.ca possesses being a wonderful life insurance agent in Dartmouth that cares, is actually why anyone must invest in us all with your valuable needs. If you happen to be looking for a wonderful life insurance agent in Dartmouth that cares, think of MercierFinancialServices.ca. Ensure you consult with all of us straightaway. Make Contact Immediately to Get a No Charge Assessment! We can't be out-priced. Try not to pay outrageous costs merely because you couldn't speak to us. Certain you were quoted an incredible cost now? Why don't you be 100 % confident? Speak to any of us. You may just simply find that we are in fact the better price. Countless individuals have before. Choosing the financial planning service to use is a significant endeavor. Go with a thought out call. Why don't you chat with all of us with absolutely no expectation to uncover on your own if we all will be the perfect financial planning service for you. Call Now! 902-830-7511